3M海绵砂纸 (microfine) 弹性研磨海绵 以特殊海绵為底材,外表涂佈一层矿砂,使產品维持原有的研磨效果外,更兼具弹性,好拿且乾湿两用的特性. 在注塑行业能起到事半功倍的效果。它能处理注塑产品表面的滑痕,毛边,还可用抛光。
3M 2600 海棉砂片#1800-#2000 4.5"*5"(綠)細
3M 2601海棉砂片#1000-#1200 4.5"*51/2"(藍)中
3M 2602 海棉砂片#600-#800 4.5"*51/2"(紅)粗
3M 2604海棉砂片#320-400# 4.5"*51/2"(红)较粗
3M 2606 海棉砂片#120-180#4.5"*51/2"(紅) 最粗
Microfine grade 1200 - 1500. Provide flexibility and conformability to allow for sanding by hand in areas inaccessible to machine sanders. Use wet or dry when sanding on wood, fiberglass/gelcoat, marine paints, metals and plastics